: 6 humanitarian missions ( the orphanages in Bucharest-
Cluj- Brasov- Sibiu -Turda -Pittesti etc...) Donation in
medicament, food, clothes, toys. Delivery of 1 million injectors
to Marinescu Hospital, with cooperation of CEE. The missions
were lead by professor Minkowski.
: Delivery of French medical personnel to the orphanages
in Moldavia, with cooperation of Handicap International
(Botosani, Vaslui...).
: Making a garden for children in Botosani
Building a house for children of the “Gavroche”
streets in Bucharest with the partnership of Equilibre.
: Help in food for Botosani
: Foundation of the first music school in Timisoara
: Foundation of the second music school in Cluj Sponsoring
the Jean-Sebastien BACH contest in Cluj Sponsoring "The
gifted children" of Timisoara.
: Making a Musique Folklorique group in Timisoara. Integration
of many orphans in Timisoara music high school. Development
and promotion of the J.S Bach contest in Cluj. Promotion
of the trio "Esperanze Junior" abroad (Paris -Denmark.:.).
: Development of the cultural actions regarding the children
of Romania and Brazil with the assistance of the Brazilian
Embassy in Romania. Meeting of the Romanian and Brazilian
children musicians in Paris during the World Cup in football,
which was sponsored by the great Brazilian footballers:
Rai, Leonardo, Ricardo.
: Foundation of a school of Samba for children in Bucharest.
: Continuing with the actions in favor of the children through
the music : " School of music for the children in Timisoara
" Help to the gifted children (piano, violin) Development
of the school of samba with the help of Brazilian Embassy
in Romania.
: Reinforcement of the Romania-Brazil connection through
the music